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by Nanni Moretti


The movie is a spoof of Alessandro Manzoni's novel 'I promessi sposi.' Don Rodrigo is a shy geek and has to be forced by his thugs to approach Lucia. Fra Cristoforo sings a rock song. In the final scene we see Agnese, Renzo, Lucia and Fra Cristoforo saluting the spectators on a boat.

original title: Come parli, frate?
country: Italy
year: 1974
genre: fiction
directed by: Nanni Moretti
film run: 52'
release date: IT 30/07/1974
screenplay: Nanni Moretti
cast: Nanni Moretti, Lorenza Codignola, Giorgio Viterbo, Vincenzo Vitobello, Beniamino Placido, Fabio Traversa, Luciano Agati, Fabio Sposini
producer: Nanni Moretti

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