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by Bruno Bozzetto


An enthusiastic filmmaker thinks he's come up with a totally original idea: animation set to classical music! When he is informed that some American named "Prisney" (or something) has already done it, he decides to do his own version, using an orchestra comprising mostly old ladies and an animator he's kept locked in a dungeon. Several different classical pieces are animated, while the animator plots his escape.

original title: Allegro non troppo
country: Italy
year: 1976
genre: animation
directed by: Bruno Bozzetto
film run: 85'
release date: IT 12/03/1976, AT 03/1977, DE 16/12/1977, UK 27/12/1977, FR 14/03/1979, SE 10/02/1980
screenplay: Bruno Bozzetto, Guido Manuli, Maurizio Nichetti
cast: Nestor Garay, Maurizio Micheli, Maurizio Nichetti, Mirella Falco, Osvaldo Salvi
cinematography by: Mario Masini
film editing: Giancarlo Rossi
costumes designer: Lia Francesca Morandini
producer: Bruno Bozzetto

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