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by Tinto Brass


Bruno is an idealistic hero who questions the meaning of life in this confusing and sometimes hallucinatory erotic drama. After a night in jail, he is gang-raped by punk rockers in a garbage dump. He later saves an old man who believes he is Garibaldi and a woman he believes is Ophelia. Bruno watches helplessly as she later jumps from a window.

original title: Action
country: Italy
year: 1980
genre: fiction
directed by: Tinto Brass
film run: 121'
release date: IT 04/01/1980, DE 20/11/1981, ES 25/01/1982
screenplay: Tinto Brass, Gian Carlo Fusco, Roberto Lerici
cast: Luc Merenda, Adriana Asti, Susanna Javicoli, Paola Senatore, Alberto Sorrentino, Gianfranco Bullo, Giancarlo Badessi, John Steiner, Edoardo Florio, Luciano Crovato, Alberto Lupo, Paola Montenero, Alina De Simone, Franco Fabrizi
cinematography by: Silvano Ippoliti
film editing: Tinto Brass
art director: Claudio Cinini
costumes designer: Jost Jakob

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