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by Neri Parenti


Mario Bartoloni is a Milanese employee of the Cartier chain who is proposed to exchange an office in Rome with his colleague Marini. In the agreement there is also the exchange of the house between the two colleagues.

original title: Casa mia, casa mia...
country: Italy
year: 1988
genre: fiction
directed by: Neri Parenti
film run: 90'
release date: IT 18/03/1988
screenplay: Neri Parenti
cast: Renato Pozzetto, Paola Onofri, Gianfranco Agus, Patrizia Loreti, Athina Cenci, Stefano Antonucci, Antonio Allocca, Alberto Capone, Salvatore Chiosi, Emilio Delle Piane, Larry Dolgin, Antonello Fassari, Ole Jorgensen
cinematography by: Cristiano Pogany
film editing: Sergio Montanari
executive producer: Raffaello Saragò

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