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by Michele Soavi


A lonely kindergarten teacher discovers a secret well in the basement of her house, and soon finds herself being followed by a murderous Satanic cult.

international title: The Sect
original title: La setta
country: Italy
year: 1991
genre: fiction
directed by: Michele Soavi
film run: 125'
release date: IT 01/03/1991, DE 10/1991, ES 05/06/1992
screenplay: Dario Argento, Gianni Romoli, Michele Soavi
cast: Mariangela Giordano, Carla Cassola, Giovanni Lombardo Radice, Tomas Arana, Dario Casalini, Richard Sammel
cinematography by: Raffaele Mertes
film editing: Franco Fraticelli
art director: Antonello Geleng
costumes designer: Vera Cozzolino
music: Pino Donaggio
producer: Dario Argento, Mario Cecchi Gori, Vittorio Cecchi Gori
executive producer: Andrea Tinnirello

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