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by Ettore Scola


Mario and Maria Boschi, a 30-year-old couple with small children, are hit by a crisis: husband and wife cannot agree on a party name. A colleaguge, also named Mario, makes an impressive speech, and Maria find herself increasingly attracted to himl she semms able to relate to him like she could to her husband in the old days. They spend the night together, and she falls ill. When she is asked by her husband to leave the house, she realizes that there may be a difference between real love and a vague need for understanding.

original title: Mario, Maria e Mario
country: Italy, France
year: 1993
genre: fiction
directed by: Ettore Scola
film run: 102'
release date: IT 05/02/1993, SE 05/11/1993, ES 03/07/1995, HU 22/12/1997
screenplay: Ettore Scola, Silvia Scola
cast: Giulio Scarpati, Valeria Cavalli, Enrico Lo Verso, Laura Betti, Giorgio Giuliano, Walter Lupo, Bedy Moratti, Rocco Mortelliti, Gianni Baghino
cinematography by: Luciano Tovoli
film editing: Raimondo Crociani
art director: Luciano Ricceri
costumes designer: Elisabetta Montaldo
music: Armando Trovajoli
producer: Franco Committeri, Luciano Ricceri

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