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by Ettore Scola


A police commissioner in a little town in the Italian Venetian province investigates a prostitution ring run by two pensioners; during his investigations he also learns that a former manicurist shacks up with ten students, the prefect's daughter prostitutes to keep her pimp, a famous doctor has sex with his young patients, a headmaster has his eyes on the pupils, a noblewoman organizes orgies in her villa, the local convent is run by a dyke and his actual girlfriend poses for a hardcore magazine. He wants everything to come out in the open but his superiors try to put obstacles in his way.

international title: Police Chief Pepe
original title: Il commissario Pepe
country: Italy
year: 1969
genre: fiction
directed by: Ettore Scola
film run: 107'
release date: IT 02/10/1969, PT 15/11/1971, FR 05/09/1979
screenplay: Ruggero Maccari, Ettore Scola
cast: Ugo Tognazzi, Silvia Dionisio, Tano Cimarosa, Giuseppe Maffioli, Dana Ghia, Elsa Vazzoler, Véronique Vendell, Rita Calderoni, Elena Persiani, Umberto Simonetta, Paola Natale, Pippo Starnazza, Gino Santercole, Michele Capnist
cinematography by: Claudio Cirillo
film editing: Tatiana Casini Morigi
art director: Gianni Polidori
costumes designer: Gianni Polidori
music: Armando Trovajoli
producer: Pio Angeletti, Adriano De Micheli

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