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by Giovanni Troilo


Edoardo Leo roams the streets of his native Rome looking at it with fresh eyes. Between odd encounters, getaways, unexpected twists, and surreal moments in which he'll find himself caught by the faces and voices of the "Roman Gods", Edoardo takes us on a journey of discovery, sharing with us his amazement and fear, anxiety and wonder. He tells us the story of Rome, a city that almost died many times and each time was refounded, to regenerate from its own ashes and to regenerate the Western World from the Roman heritage.

international title: Power of Rome
original title: Power of Rome
country: Italy
sales agent: Vision Distribution
year: 2022
genre: documentary
directed by: Giovanni Troilo
film run: 110'
screenplay: Donato Dallavalle, Luca Lancise
cinematography by: Valerio Coccoli
film editing: Maria Fantastica Valmori
costumes designer: Luigi Bonanno
producer: Fulvio Lucisano, Paola Lucisano
production: Italian International Film (IIF) - Lucisano Media Group, Sky Cinema, Vision Distribution
backing: Direzione generale Cinema e audiovisivo del Ministero della Cultura DGCA - MIC
distributor: Vision Distribution

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