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by Mila Turajlic


Using a trove of unseen archives and the diaries of the cameraman who filmed them, Ciné-Guerrillas plunges us into the way cinema joined the struggle against colonialism. From Belgrade to Algiers to the United Nations.

international title: Ciné-Guerrillas: Scenes from Labudović Reels
original title: Ciné-Guerrillas: Scenes from Labudović Reels
working title: The Labudovic Reels
country: Serbia, France, Croatia, Montenegro
year: 2022
genre: documentary
directed by: Mila Turajlic
film run: 94'
screenplay: Mila Turajlic
cinematography by: Mila Turajlic
film editing: Sylvie Gadmer, Anne Renardet, Mila Turajlic
music: Troy Herion
producer: Carine Chichkowsky, Mila Turajlic
production: Survivance, Dribbling Pictures

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