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by Filip Heraković


A spa resort way past its finest years, people so relaxed they are on the verge of dying, and one goalkeeper trying to find salvation in a vacuum. Vacuum cleaner, that is.

international title: Pelican
original title: Pelican
country: Croatia
year: 2022
genre: fiction
directed by: Filip Heraković
film run: 87'
screenplay: Nikolina Bogdanović, Filip Heraković
cast: Edi Ćelić, Lucija Barišić, Ivan Glowatzky, Marko Petrić, Tena Nemet Brankov
cinematography by: Tomislav Krnić
film editing: Iva Ivan
art director: Željka Burić
costumes designer: Dubravka Skvrce
music: Matej Merlić
producer: Tamara Babun, Matija Drniković
production: Wolfgang & Dolly, 119 Marvila Studios

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