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by Alessio Cremonini


Prophets is the story of an encounter and a confrontation between Sara, an independent Italian journalist who was kidnapped in Syria by ISIS while she was working on a war news report in 2015, and Nur, the young foreign fighter, wife to a soldier of the Caliphate who holds Sara in custody in a building located in the middle of a training camp. Nur’s strong will to proselytize, together with the strict orders of the leader of the camp, will unfold into an attempt to convert Sara and make her join Islamic extremism.

international title: Prophets
original title: Profeti
country: Italy
sales agent: True Colours
year: 2023
genre: fiction
directed by: Alessio Cremonini
film run: 106'
release date: IT 26/01/2023
screenplay: Alessio Cremonini
cast: Jasmine Trinca, Isabella Nefar, Ziad Bakri, Omar El-Saeidi, Deniz Özdoğan, Donato Demita, Mehdi Meskar, Marco Horanieh, Orwa Kulthoum
cinematography by: Ramiro Civita
film editing: Marco Spoletini
art director: Sabrina Balestra
costumes designer: Angela Tomasicchio
producer: Olivia Musini, Luigi Musini, Mattia Guerra, Stefano Massenzi, Andrea Occhipinti
production: Cinemaundici, Lucky Red, RAI Cinema, Sky Cinema
backing: Direzione generale Cinema e audiovisivo del Ministero della Cultura DGCA - MIC
distributor: Lucky Red

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