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by Katarína Kerekesová


The Webster Family is a spider family like any other. And yet they are exceptional. Lili has already been through various adventures, but now she is in for the biggest and most dangerous of all: meeting a human being. She, as a little spider, becomes friends with a big human girl. Together, they recognize that it doesn't matter how big or small one is. The secret of friendship might be hidden somewhere else.

international title: The Websters Movie
original title: Websterovci vo filme
country: Slovakia, Czech Republic
year: 2022
genre: animation
directed by: Katarína Kerekesová
film run: 65'
release date: SK 6/10/2022, CZ 13/10/2022
screenplay: Katarína Kerekesová, Anna Vášová, Zuzana Dzurindová
cinematography by: Tomáš Juríček
music: Lucia Chuťková
production: Fool Moon, 13ka, PFX
backing: Slovak Audiovisual Fund - Audiovizuálny fond, Czech Film Center/Ceské filmové centrum + Czech Film Fund/Státního fondu kinematografie
distributor: Magic Box, Aerofilms, Der Filmverleih

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