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by Roberto Marra, Stefano Salvatori


Golia is a former rugby player suffering from a form of senile dementia. He lives in a retirement home where he creates an ingenious escape plan to find out what happened to his family, but to succeed he will have to fight his own sickness and the oppressive staff of the institution.

original title: GOL!A
country: Italy
year: 2022
genre: fiction
directed by: Roberto Marra, Stefano Salvatori
film run: 92'
release date: IT 31/12/2022
screenplay: Roberto Marra
cast: Mirko Frezza, Giorgio Colangeli, Pietro De Silva, Giobbe Covatta, Lucia Batassa
cinematography by: Leonardo Brocato
music: Ivan Dalia
production: Rhapsodia Film

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