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by Filippo Feel Cavalca


After losing his work and self-esteem, a weird fellow - detached from any sense of morality - retraces his entire life as if it were projected on a moviescreen. An edgy and surreal off-the-records film about the court jester and the man behind the mask

international title: Hollywood is a whole other thing
original title: Michele - Hollywood è un'altra cosa
country: Italy
year: 2022
genre: fiction
directed by: Filippo Feel Cavalca
film run: 110'
release date: IT 30/06/2022
screenplay: Filippo Feel Cavalca
cast: Michele Bravi Nika _Nestj, Veronica Conti, Milena Zanlari, Stefano Raspini, Aldo 'Ape' Piazza, Emmanuele Delsante, Barbara Azzali
cinematography by: Alessandro Luisi
film editing: Filippo Feel Cavalca, Alessandro Bortolotto
music: Pietro Vescovi
executive producer: Filippo Feel Cavalca
production: Feel For Films

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