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by Jiří Havelka


The film tells the story of a small train riding without its driver and the passengers locked inside. They all had originally their individual goals and destinations but now they one common target - getting out of the train or eventually stopping it. Although the train is moving very slowly, a real drama (partially very absurd) breaks out both inside and outside the train where a rescue operation is being prepared by local authorities.

international title: Emergency Situation
original title: Mimořádná událost
working title: The Train
country: Czech Republic
year: 2022
genre: fiction
directed by: Jiří Havelka
film run: 103'
release date: CZ 3/02/2022, PL 7/07/2023
screenplay: David Dvorak, Jiří Havelka
cast: Igor Chmela, Jana Plodková, Ctirad Gotz, Jenovefa Bokova, Tereza Marecková, Oliver Vyskocil, Jaroslav Plesl, Alois Švehlík, Václav Kopta
cinematography by: Martin Stepánek
film editing: Darina Stepankova
producer: Marek Jenicek
executive producer: Roman Kasparovsky
production: Elekta Prague, CinemArt, Czech Television - Česká televize
backing: Czech Film Center/Ceské filmové centrum + Czech Film Fund/Státního fondu kinematografie
distributor: CinemArt

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