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by Ladj Ly


After the sudden death of a town’s mayor, Pierre, an idealistic young doctor, is appointed to replace him. He intends to continue the policy of his predecessor, who dreamed of rehabilitating this working-class neighbourhood. Haby, a young French woman of Malian origin living in one of the dilapidated tower blocks, refuses to see her family driven out of the neighbourhood where she grew up.

international title: Les Indésirables
original title: Bâtiment 5
country: France
sales agent: Goodfellas
year: 2023
genre: fiction
directed by: Ladj Ly
film run: 101'
release date: FR 06/12/2023
screenplay: Ladj Ly, Giordano Gederlini
cast: Alexis Manenti, Anta Diaw, Jeanne Balibar, Steve Tientcheu, Aristote Luyindula
cinematography by: Julien Poupard
film editing: Flora Volpelière
producer: Toufik Ayadi, Christophe Barral
production: SRAB Films, Rectangle Productions, Le Pacte
distributor: Le Pacte

Photogallery 30/09/2023: San Sebastián 2023 - Les Indésirables / Bâtiment 5

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