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by Ruggero Cappuccio, Nadia Baldi


Set in 1943, the story of the passage between two eras, that of the beautiful and that of the useful. The story takes place in a town in southern Italy that is abandoned by all the inhabitants due to the bombings, except for the Valguarnera family, made up of two brothers and five single sisters.

original title: Il sorriso di San Giovanni
country: Italy
year: 2022
genre: fiction
directed by: Ruggero Cappuccio, Nadia Baldi
film run: 90'
release date: IT 8/04/2022
screenplay: Ruggero Cappuccio
cast: Claudio Di Palma, Giovanni Esposito, Alfonso Postiglione, Franca Abategiovanni, Marina Sorrenti, Rossella Pugliese, Simona Fredella, Enzo Mirone, Francesca Morgante, Piera Russo
cinematography by: Antonio Di Domenico
film editing: Ilenia Zincone
art director: Carlo Poggioli
music: Ivo Parlati
production: Teatro di Napoli – Teatro Nazionale, Teatro Segreto

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