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by Berta Prieto, Belén Barenys, Miguel Ángel Blanca


Self-defense is a moody and meandering series about two cheeky friends. They are in their twenties, they live in Barcelona, they are self-proclaimed queens who do what they want without asking permission, and who will cross all possible red lines to discover who they really are… or at least, that is how the two protagonists want to frame things. Behind the humour, satire and wit, Self-defense is about two anxious girls, struggling to cope with the world.

international title: Self-Defense
original title: Autodefensa
country: Spain
year: 2022
genre: series
created by: Berta Prieto, Belén Barenys, Miguel Ángel Blanca
directed by: Miguel Ángel Blanca
screenplay: Berta Prieto, Belén Barenys, Miguel Ángel Blanca
cast: Berta Prieto, Belén Barenys, Paula Vicente-Mascó, Aina Serena Serna, Natàlia Barrientos
production: Filmin, Boogaloo Films
distributor: Filmin

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