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by Kaveh Daneshmand


The mother of two adopted children's sense of duty takes a macabre turn when she learns that her husband may be having an affair with one of their kids.

international title: Endless Summer Syndrome
original title: Le syndrome de l’été sans fin
country: Czech Republic, France
sales agent: Alief
year: 2023
genre: fiction
directed by: Kaveh Daneshmand
film run: 98'
screenplay: Kaveh Daneshmand
cast: Sophie Colon, Matheo Capelli, Gem Deger, Frédérika Milano, Roland Plantin
cinematography by: Cedric Larvoire
film editing: François Del Ray, Pierrè Del Ray
art director: Jennifer Margaret Bailey
music: Matteo Hager, Jakub Trs
producer: Kaveh Daneshmand, Gem Deger, Cedric Larvoire, Eva Larvoire, Jordi Niubo
associate producer: Lindsay Taylor Stewart
production: i/o post, Alief France

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