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by Arek Delbowski


What happens when two broken people meet? David has just been left by his wife after they've been trying to have children for years. Sandra has managed to escape from her abusive boyfriend. David and Sandra's paths cross, and David brings Sandra back home to take care of her injuries. Later on, they start an odd relationship where both fulfill each other's requirements. David feels needed and valued. Sandra has finally met someone who is caring and treating her with respect. At the same time, the couple are being increasingly isolated from the outside world. How come David doesn't want to be seen with Sandra? And how come no one of David's friends or family has ever seen Sandra? David's true colors are becoming more and more obvious as he uses master suppression techniques. Do Sandra and David's relationship have any future, or is there a major tragedy around the corner?

original title: Isolering
country: Sweden
year: 2023
genre: fiction
directed by: Arek Delbowski
film run: 124'
release date: SE 7/11/2023
screenplay: Arek Delbowski
cast: Alex Fatehnia, Brigitta Nilsson, Arek Delbowski, Nelly Strömberg
cinematography by: Anton Strandh
film editing: Alexander Linder
music: Anton Strandh
producer: Arek Delbowski
executive producer: Anton Strandh

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