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by Ciro Formisano


Dora is a 25-year-old girl with an apparently rough and impenetrable character who works by bringing shopping home, a very heavy job. This is not the only difficulty in her life though, as she comes from a broken family. Her mother Lia is an unstable and unreliable woman, recently released from prison. Her twin brothers Massimo and Nunzio have been entrusted to a family for the inadequacy of her mother. Dora tries to accumulate money both through her work and through a second drug pusher business that is procured by Yuri, handsome and damned from the neighborhood where the young woman and her mother live as guests of her aunt. The money set aside is used to build a new life, to be able to afford the return of the twins, hoping that the imminent sentence will allow them to do so. Dora's life seems to have a turning point with the arrival of Andrea, a young resident in medicine who tries to redeem her, at least until Yuri discovers the clean and sincere relationship of the two young people.

original title: L'anima in pace
country: Italy
year: 2023
genre: fiction
directed by: Ciro Formisano
film run: 88'
cast: Livia Antonelli, Donatella Finocchiaro, Lorenzo Adorni, Daniela Poggi, Antonio Digirolamo, Cinzia Susino
cinematography by: Davide Curatolo
film editing: Giacomo Villa
costumes designer: Roberto Virgillito
music: Massimiliano Lazzaretti
producer: Luca Rossi(II)
production: TVM Digital Media, Farocinema

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