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by Catalin Saizescu


The dream of a provincial actor seems to be shattered, while the dreams of those around him or of the inmates with whom he ends up staging a theater show seem to be closer to fulfillment.

original title: Visul
country: Romania
year: 2023
genre: fiction
directed by: Catalin Saizescu
film run: 136'
release date: RO 15/12/2023
screenplay: Gabriel Gheorghe
cast: Vlad Logigan, Georgiana Saizescu, Gloria Gaitan, Serghei Niculescu-Mizil, Silviu Mircescu, Stefan Lupu, Mircea Drimbareanu, Nicodim Ungureanu, Magda Catone, Oana Jindiceanu
cinematography by: Tudor Mircea
film editing: Tudor Chivulescu
art director: Corina Gramoșteanu
producer: Ruxandra Flonta
executive producer: Ruxandra Flonta
production: Nerv Film
distributor: Bold Film Studio

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