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by Kate Ashfield


Summer 2007, Finland. While the Kurtti are spending their annual holidays in their cabins, Tommi, 2 years old, is killed by a gunshot. Elias, a 12-year-old neighbor, is blamed for his death. Summer 2019, Greece. 12 years later, the family receives a threatening anonymous letter. In the Greek resort where they are staying, they come across a man that looks just like Elias, in room 301. Is it really him?

international title: Man in Room 301
original title: Huone 301
country: Finland, United Kingdom
year: 2019
genre: series
created by: Kate Ashfield
directed by: Mikko Kuparinen
screenplay: Kate Ashfield
cast: Antti Virmavirta, Jussi Vatanen, Kaija Pakarinen, Leena Pöysti, Andrei Alén, Kreeta Salminen, Vilho Rönkkönen, Jarkko Lahti, Linnea Skog, Elias Gould
production: Warner Bros. International Television Production Finland, Wall to Wall, Inkas Film & T.V. Productions
distributor: BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), Arte, Arte France, Elisa Viihde, Viaplay

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