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by Abel Danan


Yara, a young Moroccan girl in pain, came to study in Paris. Confined in her apartment, she is bedeviled by scary events combining fragments of her past and monstrous visions. One evening, a mysterious apparition turns her life upside down and pushes her to the brink of madness…

international title: The Curse
original title: La Damnée
country: France
year: 2024
genre: fiction
directed by: Abel Danan
film run: 80'
screenplay: Abel Danan, Emma Lacoste
cast: Lina El Arabi
cinematography by: Olivier Guerbois
film editing: Brian Schmitt
music: Benjamin Grossmann
producer: Léo Maidenberg
production: Place du Marché Productions
distributor: Star Invest Films France

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