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by Kit Redstone, Arran Shearing


In a crumbling 'kingdom' populated only by a King and a Servant, the arrival of a mannequin Queen throws their carefully constructed world into isolation, madness, and murderous megalomania.

original title: King Baby
country: United Kingdom, France
sales agent: The Right Ones
year: 2024
genre: fiction
directed by: Kit Redstone, Arran Shearing
film run: 91'
screenplay: Kit Redstone, Arran Shearing
cast: Graham Dickson, Neil Chinneck
cinematography by: Ryan Petey
film editing: Arran Shearing, Chris Mutton
music: Peter Gregson
producer: Franck Priot, Ye Shu, Arran Shearing, Kit Redstone, Marc Petey
production: Vacuum Theatre, Ghosts City Films

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