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by Basel Adra, Hamdan Ballal, Yuval Abraham, Rachel Szor


Basel Adra, a young Palestinian activist from Masafer Yatta on the West Bank, has been fighting the mass expulsion of his community by the Israeli authorities since childhood. He documents the slow-motion eradication of the villages in his home region where soldiers deployed by the Israeli government are gradually demolishing houses and driving out their residents. At some point, he meets Yuval, an Israeli journalist, who supports him in his efforts. An unlikely alliance develops. But the relationship between the two is strained by the enormous inequality between them: Basel lives under military occupation while Yuval lives freely and without restrictions. This film by a Palestinian-Israeli collective of four young activists has been made as an act of creative resistance on the path to greater justice.

international title: No Other Land
original title: No Other Land
country: Palestine, Norway
year: 2024
genre: fiction
directed by: Basel Adra, Hamdan Ballal, Yuval Abraham, Rachel Szor
film run: 95'
cinematography by: Rachel Szor
film editing: Basel Adra, Hamdan Ballal, Yuval Abraham, Rachel Szor
music: Julius Pollux Rothlaender
producer: Fabien Olivier Greenberg, Bård Kjøge Rønning
production: Antipode Films, Yabayay Media (PS)

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