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by Oksana Karpovych


What drives the people who come to your country to wage war? Intercepted is an attempt to find an answer by showing two parallel worlds. The camera registers images of destruction in unhurried shots, in which we see Ukrainian villages, towns, houses and motorways after their liberation from the Russian occupation. We look closely – not into the abyss of destruction and death, but rather at landscapes being filled again with life. This gives hope and serves to balance out the media’s normalization of horror. They are frames set against the flood of images. Throughout the film, the soundtrack forms a shocking counterpoint. We listen to the recordings of telephone conversations intercepted in 2022 by the Ukrainian Secret Service between Russian soldiers in trenches in Ukraine and their families. It’s hard to decide which element is more devastating: the soldiers’ confessions of the rape, looting and brutal torture of Ukrainian civilians and prisoners of war or the (mainly) female voices from “back home” that bear witness to chauvinism and hatred, disinformation and schizophrenic propaganda. Sound and image stare each other in the face, stunned, brought together in a cinematic space.

international title: Intercepted
original title: Intercepted
country: Canada, France, Ukraine
sales agent: Lightdox
year: 2024
genre: documentary
directed by: Oksana Karpovych
film run: 95'
screenplay: Oksana Karpovych
cinematography by: Christopher Nunn
film editing: Charlotte Tourrès
music: NFNR
producer: Giacomo Nudi, Rocío B. Fuentes
co-producer: Pauline Tran Van Lieu, Lucie Rego, Darya Bassel, Olha Beskhmelnytsina
production: Hutong Productions, Moon Man, Les films Cosmos (CA)

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