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by Tom van Gestel


Bim follows the extraordinary story of three innocent little ones: Bim, Bommel and Pi, who embark on a dangerous journey to collect the magical elixir indispensable to end the winter season. The elixir makes one unusually strong, so it's a dangerous journey with dark temptations on unknown territories. Although Bim may not be the fastest or strongest one yet, it soon turns out that he is very creative. This is how the friendship between the bells grows during this special adventure on their way to Rome...

original title: Bim
country: Belgium
year: 2023
genre: animation
directed by: Tom van Gestel
film run: 70'
release date: DE 29/02/2024
screenplay: An De Gruyter, Marianne Op De Beeck
music: Joris Hermy, Pieter Van Dessel
producer: Geert Torfs, Tom van Gestel
production: Fabrique Fantastique
distributor: 24 Bilder Film GmbH

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