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by Agnieszka Zwiefka


After her mom's tragic death on the Polish-Belarusian border a 16-year-old Kurdish girl Runa has to become a mother for her 4 younger brothers. A partially animated coming-of-age story in the times of a global refugee crisis.

international title: Silent Trees
original title: Drzewa milczą
country: Poland, Germany, Denmark
year: 2024
genre: documentary
directed by: Agnieszka Zwiefka
film run: 84'
screenplay: Agnieszka Zwiefka
cinematography by: Kacper Czubak
film editing: Michal Buczek
music: Niklas Paschburg
producer: Agnieszka Zwiefka, Heino Deckert, Sigrid Jonsson Dyekjær, Zofia Kujawska
production: Chilli Productions, Filmproduktions-GmbH, HBO Max Central Europe (US)

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