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by Shahrokh Bikaran, Ilyas Yourish


Deep in the mountains of Afghanistan, a Hazara family – a historically oppressed ethnic people – tries to uncover the truth behind the sudden death of their daughter, Zahra, who moved to Kabul to study. In this poetic and poignant film, her sister Freshta narrates countless hours on the road, administrative and technological obstacles to justice... until the Taliban’s rise to power.

international title: Kamay
original title: Kamay
country: Afghanistan, Belgium, Germany, France
year: 2024
genre: documentary
directed by: Shahrokh Bikaran, Ilyas Yourish
film run: 106'
cinematography by: Shahrokh Bikaran, Ilyas Yourish
film editing: Joelle Alexis
music: Karim Baggili
producer: Ilyas Yourish, Evelien De Graef, Karsten Stöter, Serge Gordey, Hanne Phlypo
production: Clin d'oeil Films, ROW Pictures, Kamay Film (AF)

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