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by Sára Czira, Eszter Nagy


Heni is a 36-year-old Hungarian production designer living in Barcelona. She has always wanted a traditional, big family, but by her mid-thirties, even though she is successful, she is still single and lonely. She decides to have a baby and as her co-parent she soon chooses Andrey – a gay Russian expat living in the same city. They will be faced with many challenges, some deriving from the cultural and age differences, but their determination to succeed as a family never fades. Cabin Pressure presents an intimate portrait of the new co-parents and their unusual family model.

international title: Cabin Pressure
original title: Anyaság, máshogy!
country: Hungary
year: 2024
genre: documentary
directed by: Sára Czira, Eszter Nagy
film run: 80'
cinematography by: Maud-sophie Andrieux, Kristóf Becsey
film editing: Anna Vághy
music: Vince Varga
producer: Patricia D'intino
production: Good Kids, Kinomoto Kft., HBO Max

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