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by Cheyenne Carron


Father Jacques Hamel and Adel Kermiche, two destinies crossed for the worse. In July 2016, Adel killed Father Hamel in his church. His chaotic path, turned towards destiny, destroyed a life turned towards others and the sacred. Yet from this annihilation sprang an act of kindness from Father Hamel. A discreet priest whose daily life was dedicated to his fellow man. After the tragedy in St Etienne Du Rouvray, Catholics and Muslims are trying to engage in a dialogue towards peace and reconciliation.

original title: Que notre joie demeure
country: France
year: 2024
genre: fiction
directed by: Cheyenne Carron
film run: 108'
release date: FR 24/04/2024
screenplay: Cheyenne Carron
cast: Daniel Berlioux, Oussem Kadri, Majida Ghomari, Gérard Chaillou, Sofiane Kaddour, Najla Barouni, Éric Denize, Laurent Borel, Rachid Moura
cinematography by: Quentin Reno
costumes designer: Marina Massocco
music: Cheyenne Carron
producer: Cheyenne Carron
production: Hésiode Productions
distributor: Saje Distribution

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