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by Andreas Hartmann, Arata Mori


Every year, thousands of people vanish without a trace in Japan. Known as the Johatsu, or "the evaporated," they abandon their lives for various reasons, a troublesome relationship, mounting debts or threats from the mafia. Some get support from so-called "night moving" companies, which help people to disappear and start a new life somewhere else.

international title: Johatsu - Into Thin Air
original title: Johatsu - Into Thin Air
country: Germany, Japan
sales agent: CAT&Docs
year: 2024
genre: documentary
directed by: Andreas Hartmann, Arata Mori
film run: 85'
cinematography by: Andreas Hartmann
film editing: Kai Eiermann
music: Jana Irmert, Mika Takehara
producer: Andreas Hartmann
production: Ossa Film, BR Bayerischer Rundfunk, Mori Film (JP)

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