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by Marcia Romano, Benoît Sabatier


Raoul rushes to Marseille where his daughter is dead, with nothing but a few names of people she hung out with and adresses of places they went to. Nothing matches: it's all bullshit. Nothing seems real except for the album she recorded. By diving into the ruckus of Agnès' life, is he rushing towards death or the beginning of something new?

original title: Fotogenico
working title: Porcheville
country: France
sales agent: MPM Premium
year: 2024
genre: fiction
directed by: Marcia Romano, Benoît Sabatier
film run: 94'
screenplay: Marcia Romano, Benoît Sabatier
cast: Christophe Paou, Roxane Mesquida, Angèle Metzger, John Arnold
cinematography by: Nicolas Eveilleau
film editing: Florence Bresson
music: Froid Dub
production: Envie de Tempête Productions, Micro Climat
backing: Centre National du Cinéma et de l’image animée (CNC)

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