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by Josh Mond


Anybody who starves long enough? They become a chef. You starve long enough — you work with what you’ve got, you make the best of it. It Doesn't Matter follows the cross country wanderings of Alvaro, a man from Staten Island, and his fortuitous relationship with a young filmmaker. Over the course of seven years, Alvaro comes to confront the issues that have left him down and out — and how he begins to heal.

international title: It Doesn't Matter
original title: It Doesn't Matter
country: United States, France
year: 2024
genre: fiction
directed by: Josh Mond
film run: 86'
screenplay: Oscar Bodden Gonzalez, Alice De Matha, Josh Mond
cast: Jay Will, Christopher Abbott
cinematography by: Jay Will, Christopher Abbott, Josh Mond, Oscar Bodden Gonzalez, Alice De Matha, Georges Benoît, Alexander Norton, Clément De Hollogne
film editing: Alice De Matha
music: Clams Casino
producer: Josh Mond
production: Films AdeMD, CHMOND Inc (US)

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