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by David Teboul


François Truffaut’s films “move like trains, you understand? Like trains in the night.” His life followed the same rhythm; he was 52 when the words The End appeared. A few months earlier, the director had started to share the story of his youth with his old friend Claude de Givray, delving deeply into his family history. But time ran short and he could not complete this autobiography, which he had planned to call “the Screenplay of My Life.”

international title: François Truffaut, My Life, A Screenplay
original title: François Truffaut, le scénario de ma vie
sales agent: mk2 films
year: 2024
genre: documentary
directed by: David Teboul
film run: 93'
screenplay: David Teboul, Serge Toubiana
production: 10.7 Productions
backing: INA - Institut National de l'Audiovisuel

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