In a world inhabited by androids, a girl dreams of playing football, despite her family's ban. Her friends will come to her aid to help her fulfill her wish, and show everyone what they are capable of doing, on and off the football field.
international title: | Robotia, the Movie |
original title: | Robotia |
country: | Spain, Argentina |
year: | 2024 |
genre: | animation |
directed by: | Diego Cagide, Diego Lucero |
film run: | 86' |
release date: | ES 7/06/2024 |
screenplay: | Mariano Rojo, Beatriz Iso |
film editing: | Diego Cagide, Diego Lucero |
music: | Joseba Beristain |
production: | Dibulitoon Studio, Malabar Animation Studio (AR) |
distributor: | Barton Films |