In the shadowed aftermath of the Second World War, Giovanni Velasques returns to his quaint hometown nestled in the breathtaking landscapes of Sicily’s mountains, bearing the scars of war inside and out. Haunted by wartime traumas, Giovanni’s tumultuous spirit finds solace in the wisdom of an elderly lady who unveils his extraordinary gift: the ability to harness the spirit of a departed soul and heal the tormented. But as Giovanni’s reputation as a healer grows, he finds himself on a collision course with two formidable adversaries: the church and the mafia. Torn between his mystical calling and societal pressures, he’s pushed into a corner of isolation, forcing him to forsake his magical calling and embrace the expected life of a family man and farmer. But will that sacred soul, worshipped like a god, truly be lost to oblivion?
international title: | The Healer |
original title: | La Bocca dell'anima |
country: | Italy |
sales agent: | Artex Film |
year: | 2024 |
genre: | fiction |
directed by: | Giuseppe Carleo |
film run: | 109' |
release date: | IT 26/09/2024 |
screenplay: | Giuseppe Carleo |
cast: | Maziar Firouzi, Marilù Pipitone, Serena Barone, Maurizio Bologna, Alessio Barone, Sergio Vespertino, Claudio Collovà, Vincenzo Amato, Massimo Cagnina, Aglaia Mora |
cinematography by: | Leone Orfeo |
film editing: | Riccardo Cannella |
art director: | Laura Inglese |
costumes designer: | Dora Argento |
music: | Paolo Brignoli |
producer: | Giuseppe Carleo, Tancredi Vinci |
production: | Favorita Film |
backing: | Direzione generale Cinema e audiovisivo del Ministero della Cultura DGCA - MIC |
distributor: | Artex Film |