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by Rui Pires


An unprecedented glimpse of how citizens build a society from inside a parliament, a Citizens’ Palace, providing a pertinent reflection, often contradictory and complex, on the essence of democracy, raced with the widening gap between citizens and power, and after an economic crisis that has seriously affected social cohesion.

international title: The Palace of Citizens
original title: O Palácio de Cidadãos
country: Portugal
year: 2024
genre: documentary
directed by: Rui Pires
film run: 132’
screenplay: Patrícia de Brito, Pedro Miguel Santos
cinematography by: Pedro Castanheira
film editing: Rui Pires
producer: Cláudia Regina, Rui Pires, Patrícia de Brito, João Matos
production: Monomito argumentistas, Terratreme Filmes

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