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by Billy Woodberry


Mário de Andrade was a pan-African intellectual, activist, diplomat, and poet who dedicated his entire life to the cause of building African nations. He ardently believed that independence from colonialism marked the beginning, not the end, of the struggle. From Paris, where he establishes his intellectual home, to independent Angola, Mário spends a life in exile, working and fighting tirelessly for African sovereignty.

international title: Mário
original title: Mário
country: Portugal, Austria
year: 2024
genre: documentary
directed by: Billy Woodberry
film run: 120'
cinematography by: Peter Chappell, João Vagos
film editing: Luís Nunes
producer: Rui Alexandre Santos, Maéva Ranaïvojaona, Georg Tiller
production: Divina Comedia, Subobscura Films

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