The story of a thirty-year-old geometrist who lives with his mother, a widow, and who plans on running a discothèque with a group of his friends, but is unexpectedly and suddenly hired to work for the city. The new job soon turns out to be in conflict with his entrepreneurial spirit, while an encounter with a girl opens up other existential possibilities...
international title: | The Fever |
original title: | La febbre |
country: | Italy |
sales agent: | RAI Com |
year: | 2005 |
genre: | fiction |
directed by: | Alessandro D'Alatri |
film run: | 108' |
release date: | IT 01/04/2005, FR 28/02/2007 |
screenplay: | Alessandro D'Alatri, Gennaro Nunziante, Domenico Starnone |
cast: | Arnoldo Foà, Cochi Ponzoni, Marco Baliani, Fabio Volo, Valeria Solarino, Gisella Burinato |
cinematography by: | Italo Petriccione |
film editing: | Osvaldo Bargero |
art director: | Luigi Silvio Marchione |
costumes designer: | Gemma Mascagni |
producer: | Marco Poccioni, Marco Valsania |
production: | Rodeo Drive, RAI Cinema |
distributor: | 01 Distribution, Acadra (FR) |