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by Eric Besnard


A swindler avoids aggressive types. And especially armed aggressive types. Solal forgot this rule, resulting in his death, as he was murdered by a bad loser. The matter should have ended there. But Solal has a brother: Cash. And Cash has decided to avenge his death, in his own way, without using weapons or violence, but by planning a major fraud. However, the enemy is on his guard. And Cash and his friends have perhaps taken on more than their match. In this type of operation, alliances are made and unmade, accomplices are sometimes traitors, and traitors accomplices. In the end, only one thing counts: who is the dupe?

international title: Ca$h
original title: Cash
country: France
sales agent: Newen Connect (a TF1 Group Company)
year: 2008
genre: fiction
directed by: Eric Besnard
release date: BE 23/04/2008, FR 23/04/2008, IT 05/06/2009
screenplay: Eric Besnard
cast: Jean Dujardin, Jean Reno, Valeria Golino, Alice Taglioni
cinematography by: Gilles Henry
art director: Jacques Rouxel
producer: Patrice Ledoux
production: Pulsar Productions, Canal+, TF1 Films Production
distributor: TF1 International, Belga Films (BE), Moviemax (IT)

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