An animated tale set 1200 years ago in a desolate Irish wilderness which houses Kells Abbey where 12-year-old orphan Brendan encounters Brother Aidan, the keeper of the extraordinary but unfinished book of illuminations. Aidan sets him a task: to complete the Book of Kells...
original title: | Brendan and the Secret of Kells |
country: | Ireland, France, Belgium |
sales agent: | Celluloid Dreams |
year: | 2008 |
genre: | animation |
directed by: | Tomm Moore, Nora Twomey |
release date: | BE 11/02/2009, FR 11/02/2009, ES 23/07/2010 |
screenplay: | Tomm Moore, Fabrice Ziolkowski |
music: | Bruno Coulais |
producer: | Didier Brunner, Paul Young, Viviane Vanfelteren |
production: | Cartoon Saloon, Les Armateurs, Vivi Film, Iota Production, France 2 Cinéma |
backing: | Irish Film Board, Wallimage SA, Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds/VAF, Centre National de la Cinématographie (CNC), Canal +, Ciné Cinéma, RTE, Promimage, Communauté française de Belgique, Gébeka Films, Promimage, FTD Video, Eurimages, Celluloid Dreams, Conseil Général & Régional Poitou-Charentes, MEDIA Programme |
distributor: | Gebeka Films, Karma Films |