Pier Paolo Pasolini (The article continues below - Commercial information) Selected filmography direction2008La rabbia di Pasolini1975Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom1974Arabian Nights1972The Canterbury Tales1971The Decameron1970Notes for an African Oresteia1969Love and AngerMedeaPigsty1968Caprice Italian StyleOrgiaTheorem1967Oedipus RexThe Witches1966Uccellacci e uccellini1965Sopralluoghi in Palestina per il vangelo secondo Matteo1964The Gospel According to MatthewLove Meetings1963La rabbiaRogopag1962Mamma Roma1961The Procurerscreenplay2017Tremor. Es Ist Immer Krieg1975Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom1974Arabian Nights1973Bawdy Tales1972The Canterbury Tales1971The Decameron1970Notes for an African OresteiaOstia1969Love and AngerMedeaPigsty1968Caprice Italian StyleOrgiaTheorem1967Oedipus RexThe Witches1966Uccellacci e uccellini1965Sopralluoghi in Palestina per il vangelo secondo Matteo1964The Gospel According to Matthew1963Rogopag1962Mamma Roma1961The ProcurerWoman in the Window1960A Crazy DayHandsome AntonioIl carro armato dell'8 settembreLa lunga notte del '431959Night Heat1958Giovani mariti1957Marisa la civettaNights of Cabiria1955Il prigioniero della montagna1954La donna del fiumestarring2008La rabbia di Pasolini1972The Canterbury Tales1971The Decameron1960The Hunchback of Romefilm editing2008La rabbia di Pasolini1963La rabbia see also: Directors, Scriptwriters