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Daniel Hendler

Daniel Hendler

Daniel Hendler has starred in numerous feature films, including 25 Watts (2001),El abrazo partido (Lost Embrace, 2004), El fondo del mar (The Bottom of the Sea, 2003) and Fase 7 (Phase 7, 2011), for which he received numerous international awards. He has helmed two shorts, Perro perdido (2002, co-directed with Arauco Hernández, Artistic Innovation Award at Clermont-Ferrand) and Cuarto de hora(2004). He has collaborated on screenplays by Daniel Burman and Ariel Winograd. In 2010 he directed his first feature film, Norberto Apenas Tarde (Norberto's Deadline), winner of the TVE Films in Progress Award at San Sebastian.

Source: San Sebástian Festival 2015
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Selected filmography

see also: Scriptwriters
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