Film Reviews

7073 film reviews available in total starting from 04/09/2002. Last updated on 19/06/2024. 764 film reviews inserted in the last 12 months.


Let the Sun Shine In by Claire Denis


CANNES 2017: Claire Denis’ new film is truly delicious, of a "theoretical" and emotional intelligence that is as tasty as it is universally moving  

Un beau soleil intérieur

Un beau soleil intérieur

Let the Wrong One In by Conor McMahon


Conor McMahon’s new feature is a wonderfully silly film, rich in slapstick and sarcasm, and with a pinch of cringe comedy  

Let the Wrong One In

Let the Wrong One In

Let There Be Light by Marko Skop


The relationship between fathers and sons is at the heart of Marko Škop's second feature, which deals with the rise of the extreme right wing in Slovakia  

Nech je svetlo

Nech je svetlo

Let Yourself Go! by Francesco Amato


Out today in Italian theatres, Francesco Amato’s comedy sees the Neapolitan actor playing the role of a rigid psychoanalyst who winds up in trouble  

Lasciati andare

Lasciati andare

Leto by Kirill Serebrennikov


CANNES 2018: You'd be right in thinking this was a biopic, but Kirill Serebrennikov's new film is above all a ray of light and colour, peeking through the grey  



A Letter to My Father by Damir Cucic


Damir Cucic’s feature debut is a powerful story of a complex father-son relationship, made skillfuly in a blend of fiction, documentary and experimental forms.  

Pismo caci

Pismo caci

Letters from War by Ivo Ferreira


BERLIN 2016: Ivo M. Ferreira presents an articulate film at Berlin that tells the story of the correspondence sent by a love-stricken doctor and husband posted in Angola in 1971  

Cartas da guerra

Cartas da guerra

Letters to Paul Morrissey by Armand Rovira


Armand Rovira’s odd and playful homage to the titular American filmmaker proves an unexpected delight  

Letters to Paul Morrissey

Letters to Paul Morrissey

The Levelling by Hope Dickson Leach


Hope Dickson Leach scripts and directs her first feature about a rural family in throes of tragedy  

The Levelling

The Levelling

Levitation of Princess Karnak by Adrien Genoudet


Two friends flee the evacuated city of Paris and travel across France as it wrestles with a mysterious crisis in this astute and original first film offered up by Adrien Genoudet  

La Lévitation de la princesse Karnak

La Lévitation de la princesse Karnak

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