Film Reviews

7314 film reviews available in total starting from 04/09/2002. Last updated on 23/09/2024. 783 film reviews inserted in the last 12 months.


Panama by Pavle Vučković


CANNES 2015: Pavle Vuckovic paints the portrait of a generation whose superficiality and depravity are fuelled by their lives being completely taken over by the Internet  



Pandémie, la révolte des citoyens contre l’Etat by Matteo Born, Françoise Weilhammer


Matteo Born and Françoise Wilhammer tackle the pressing topic of the pandemic which continues to plague us, lending a voice to those who feel betrayed by the system  

Pandémie, la révolte des citoyens contre l’Etat

Pandémie, la révolte des citoyens contre l’Etat

Pandemonium by Quarxx


Quarxx takes us on a journey through the angst-inducing circles of a hell more human that Dantesque, an obscure place where humanity is refused any form of redemption  



Panic Attack by Paweł Maślona


The directorial debut by Poland’s Pawel Maslona is a hilarious black comedy with intertwining plotlines, proving that the more really is the merrier  

Atak paniki

Atak paniki

Panopticon by George Sikharulidze


George Sikharulidze’s debut tells the story of an 18-year-old boy who experiences conflicting emotions as his sexuality awakens against the backdrop of Georgian society  



Paolo Conte, Via con me by Giorgio Verdelli


VENICE 2020: Giorgio Verdelli’s documentary about composer and performer Paolo Conte is a delectable detour taking in the life of a major talent  

Paolo Conte, Via con me

Paolo Conte, Via con me

Papaya 69 by Riccardo Bernasconi, Francesca Reverdito


Francesca Reverdito and Riccardo Bernasconi treat audiences to a bittersweet comedy about migration and friendship  

Papaya 69

Papaya 69

Paper Flags by Nathan Ambrosioni


At the tender age of 19, Nathan Ambrosioni directs his first astonishingly mature feature film starring Guillaume Gouix, an ex-con in search of reintegration and a sibling bond  

Les Drapeaux de papier

Les Drapeaux de papier

Paper Souls by Vincent Lannoo


Vincent Lannoo will present Les Ames de Papier, at the closure of the 28th Namur Film Festival, his new film with Stéphane Guillon, Julie Gayet, Jonathan Zaccaï and Pierre Richard  

Les Âmes de papier

Les Âmes de papier

Papi Chulo by John Butler


TORONTO 2018: Irish director John Butler rains on his own parade in this dubious Californian buddy-buddy tale  

Papi Chulo

Papi Chulo

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