Film Reviews

7319 film reviews available in total starting from 04/09/2002. Last updated on 25/09/2024. 785 film reviews inserted in the last 12 months.


Un paese quasi perfetto by Massimo Gaudioso


Massimo Gaudioso directs a comedy on being true to your roots, a remake of Canadian film Seducing Doctor Lewis set in the Lucanian Dolimites, starring Fabio Volo and Silvio Orlando  

Un paese quasi perfetto

Un paese quasi perfetto

Pagani by Elisa Flaminia Inno


Elisa Flaminia Inno brings us an astonishing debut feature on the survival of rituals mixing paganism and Christianity in the south of Italy  



The Page Turner by Denis Dercourt


A refined thriller set in a world lulled by classical music. Calculated revenge and a confrontation between two exceptional actresses, masterly filmed by an exceptional director  

La Tourneuse de pages

La Tourneuse de pages

The Pageant by Eytan Ipeker


In his new documentary about the annual Miss Holocaust Survivor event, Turkish helmer Eytan Ipeker looks beyond the crown  

The Pageant

The Pageant

Pain & Glory by Pedro Almodóvar


This 21st film by Pedro Almodóvar exudes the intense emotions that have shaped his life, and features Antonio Banderas as the mirror-image of the director behind Talk To Her and All About My Mother  

Dolor y gloria

Dolor y gloria

The Painted Bird by Václav Marhoul


VENICE 2019: Václav Marhoul's audaciously arty account of a suffering World War II boy walks a constant fine line between the sublime and the ridiculous  

Nabarvené ptáce

Nabarvené ptáce

The Painter and the Thief by Benjamin Ree


Benjamin Ree has crafted a deceptive heist movie that paints a portrait of an unlikely friendship in Norway  

Kunstneren og tyven

Kunstneren og tyven

Palace for the People by Boris Missirkov, Georgi Bogdanov


The documentary by Bulgarian filmmaking duo Boris Missirkov and Georgi Bogdanov looks at five monumental buildings of the communist era  

Dvorcite na naroda

Dvorcite na naroda

The Palace by Roman Polanski


VENICE 2023: The most dreaded film in Venice this year, by Roman Polanski, turns out to be very revealing, consciously or not  

The Palace

The Palace

Palazzina Laf by Michele Riondino


Michele Riondino’s brilliant and powerful debut depicts the first ever reported case of workplace bullying in Italy at Ilva’s lethal steelworks in Taranto  

Palazzina Laf

Palazzina Laf

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