Film Reviews

7314 film reviews available in total starting from 04/09/2002. Last updated on 23/09/2024. 783 film reviews inserted in the last 12 months.


Not Such an Easy Life by Félix Viscarret


Félix Viscarret portrays the mid-life crisis, the evanescence of professional success, immature male friendship and modern fatherhood with intelligent humour  

Una vida no tan simple

Una vida no tan simple

Not the End by César Esteban Alenda, José Esteban Alenda


Spain's Alenda brothers make the leap from short to feature film with this story of love and time travelling, soon to reach screens outside the country for the first time  

Sin fin

Sin fin

The Notebook by János Szász


Based on a novel by Hungarian author Agota Kristof, one of the first films to be produced by the new Hungarian National Film Fund.  

A nagy füzet

A nagy füzet

Notes For a Heist Film by León Siminiani


SAN SEBASTIÁN 2018: León Siminiani’s second feature starts off with a focus on the director himself, before passing the torch to the bank robber whose career he is researching  

Apuntes para una película de atracos

Apuntes para una película de atracos

Notes from Eremocene by Viera Čákanyová


BERLINALE 2023: In Slovak documentarian Viera Čákanyová’s lucid essay film, there are two options: ascend to the virtual realm, or just log off  

Poznámky z Eremocénu

Poznámky z Eremocénu

Notes From the Underworld by Tizza Covi, Rainer Frimmel


BERLINALE 2020: Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel's new film, winner of a Special Mention in the Best Documentary category, revives the 1960s Viennese underworld through its surviving members  

Aufzeichnungen aus der Unterwelt

Aufzeichnungen aus der Unterwelt

Notes on a Summer by Diego Llorente


Diego Llorente’s new film explores the summer dreams and turmoil experienced by a young woman from Asturias  

Notas sobre un verano

Notas sobre un verano

Notes on Blindness by Peter Middleton, James Spinney


This creative and poetic documentary by British filmmakers Peter Middleton and James Spinney tells a personal story of a man who has gone blind, which provides plenty of food for thought  

Notes on Blindness

Notes on Blindness

Nothing But the Sun by Arami Ullón


Arami Ullón’s powerful second feature film finally allows the hitherto silenced culture of the Ayoreo people to express itself freely  

Apenas el sol

Apenas el sol

Nothing Compares by Kathryn Ferguson


Kathryn Ferguson’s functional, if hardly revelatory, documentary pretty much repeats what you already know about Sinéad O’Connor  

Nothing Compares

Nothing Compares

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