Film Reviews

7081 film reviews available in total starting from 04/09/2002. Last updated on 21/06/2024. 765 film reviews inserted in the last 12 months.


Nice Ladies by Mariia Ponomarova


Through the perspective of a cheerleading team made up of penta- and septuagenarians, Mariia Ponomarova trains a fresh lens on life and survival during the Russian invasion of Ukraine  

Nice Ladies

Nice Ladies

Nico by Eline Gehring


Eline Gehring directs a modest film interweaving LGBTQ+ and integration themes, whose strength lies in the empathy it cultivates for its protagonist  



Nico, 1988 by Susanna Nicchiarelli


VENICE 2017: In the opening film of the Venice Film Festival’s Orizzonti section, director Susanna Nicchiarelli focuses on the twilight years of iconic singer Nico  

Nico, 1988

Nico, 1988

La niebla y la doncella by Andrés M. Koppel


With this naturalistic thriller boasting a well-known Spanish cast, Andrés M Koppel adapts Lorenzo Silva’s novel of the same name, set on the dank, claustrophobic and mysterious island of La Gomera  

La niebla y la doncella

La niebla y la doncella

Night by Mona J. Hoel


Mona J Hoel’s new outing is a stark drama about a woman who tries to escape her violent husband  



Night Boats by Igor Mirković


A man and a woman in their seventies escape from an old people's home. A romantic, elegant, and refreshing road movie.  

Nocni brovodi

Nocni brovodi

Night Bus by Simon Baker


The London Film Festival has hosted the premiere of Simon Baker's feature debut, which introduces us to a plethora of characters as they interact on a nocturnal journey through the British capital  

Night Bus

Night Bus

The Night Eats the World by Dominique Rocher


French director Dominique Rocher delivers a clever zombie film, a minimalist and psychological "survival" story, starring Anders Danielsen Lie  

La nuit a dévoré le monde

La nuit a dévoré le monde

The Night I Swam by Damien Manivel, Kohei Igarashi


VENICE 2017: A daring work, both simple and fascinating, emanating a heady charm, bearing the hallmark of France’s Damien Manivel and Japan’s Kohei Igarashi  

Takara - La Nuit où j’ai nagé

Takara - La Nuit où j’ai nagé

Night Nursery by Moumouni Sanou


BERLINALE 2021: Moumouni Sanou’s first documentary feature is a lively if underdeveloped work examining a childcare home used by Burkina Faso sex workers  

Garderie nocturne

Garderie nocturne

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